Freely You Have Received; Freely Give.
Protestants are not responsible for the sins of Roman popes and clergy, They are responsible for their own sins. The RCC was so oppressive to the laity and usurious that it's "lay" people were more than eager to leave her in 1517. Especially when Luther exposed that through faith we receive by the gift the grace of salvation to everlasting life. Will this our saving faith die if we do not serve the Lord? Can dead faith be resurrected? Leave those questions unanswered and simply strive personally and in the church both actively and doctrinally for the establishment and maintenance of Good works, those works "which God afore prepared that we should walk in them." (Eph. 2:10).
What has become History until this very day we call the past. No past act good or evil can be altered. But we can forgive one another, even our enemies, as Christ did forgive us while we were still sinners. Catholics can forgive those they call Protestants, even Martin Luther himself. Non Catholics can forgive Catholics, even those who martyred the Huguenots and the Waldenses. Jewish Christians can forgive the RCC and the EOC and others for the pogroms and the holocaust which murdered and martyred their Jewish families and friends. You can forgive me!
According to an excellent Bible teacher, not forgiving others is the quickest way to get in trouble with God. That persuades me that the quickest way to get out of trouble with the Almighty is to forgive, to forgive quickly and to forgive all who offend you, all who cause your love for them to fade.
Forgive as the judge you became when they offended you. Show them mercy from your bench. Do it in spite of your strong desire to punish them. Do unto them as you would have them or any man do unto you. Forgive and you will be forgiven. Remain their judge and you may incur the same wrath you desire fall on them.
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