Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Even so...

Precious Name of Jesus,
Mighty Name of God,
Holy One of Israel,
You whom we do love…

Guard our hearts and persons
With power from on High,
You are more than able
To answer this our cry:

Maranatha, Maranatha,
Even so Lord come;
Though all is not as we would like
An end is promised, come.

Blessed Name Yeshua,
Foretold Savior Lord,
Great is Your salvation,
Promise of Your Word.

As the door is closing
Quickly usher in
Loved Ones friends and strangers
Weary of their sin.

Even so Lord Jesus,
Maranatha, Lord.
When Father says it’s finished
We’ll all join Thy accord.

Anointed, Blest and Holy
Thy Holy Spirit shows
A Royal King and Lord of all
For Whom we humbly bow.

Come O come again to rule
This earth now weary worn.
Order all as You have planned
Before the worlds were born.

© 2009 D. Severy