Am I teachable? Can I be taught? Am I governable? Can I be
The world suffers itself, the man of the world suffers
himself. He is the arbiter of his own destiny and cannot see that God rules
over him, even as he seeks his own way and pleasure. Man teaches himself. Man
governs himself. His mistakes haunt him and he is cut off at death from all his
successes. Though he rule the whole world he cannot live forever.
Pro 21:1 The king's
heart in the Lord’s hand is like streams of water — he directs it wherever he
The man of the world is a king in his own estimation and in
his thinking he says: “I should rule the world.” A popular song by a band named
“Tears for Fears” includes this verse: “Everybody wants to rule the world.” Now
that is a prescription for anarchy. If it were not for God’s sovereign guidance
we would be seeing worse than we now see. And we see some very evil things in
our time. But God can and still does direct the hearts of those who govern and
The crisis is this: Do I, do you desire to be governed by
God? Or do you want to be ruled by the desire of your own heart and mind? Men
have forgotten God and do not know the peace of His governance. Instead we have
of the world peace by “the balance of power(s).” When things become unbalanced
we have no peace, we then have blood in the streets.
Our own election process in the USA has become a blood sport. God
is remembered by some in the battle. God seems to be pushed farther and farther
away by most seeking office. And this is a reflection of the people. A few
desire what is right; most desire money and unearned privileges.
Jesus came to take away the sin of the world. But do we
really understand what “the sin” of the world is?
Do not love or cherish the world or the
things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is
not in him. For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh [craving for
sensual gratification] and the lust of the eyes [greedy longings of the
mind] and the pride of life [assurance in one's own resources or in the
stability of earthly things]--these do not come from the Father but are
from the world [itself]. And the world passes away and disappears, and
with it the forbidden cravings (the passionate desires, the lust) of it; but he
who does the will of God and carries out His purposes in his life abides
(remains) forever. (1John 2:15-17 AMP)
The sin of the world is self reliance. Emerson may shudder,
but it is just so. Man can rely on God or on him or herself. Families can rely
on God or on themselves. Nations can rely on God or on themselves. The
adversary (satan) attempted to overthrow God and rule heaven. Strangely but in
fact satan was allowed to overthrow Adam and Eve who were commissioned by God
to rule earth! Since then men and nations
and are governed by their strong men. For better or worse we suffer their
edicts and law. In the USA
it is said the government is of, by and for the people. “We the people” rule. That can only work well
if the people are people of GOOD will. But instead of GOOD will we see more and
more SELF will. And that SELF will is becoming more and more a STRONG self
will. Good will springs from good people.
As I pass out gospel literature people often say “No, I’m
good.” Sometimes I ask: “How did you get to be good?” Few have a ready answer.
Most are in a hurry to get somewhere. How do we become good?
And as He was setting out on His
journey, a man ran up and knelt before Him and asked Him, Teacher, [You are
essentially and perfectly morally] good, what must I do to inherit eternal
life [that is, to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah's kingdom]?
And Jesus said to him, Why do you call Me [essentially and perfectly morally]
good? There is no one [essentially and perfectly morally] good--except
God alone.
(Mark 10:17-18 AMP)
We must come to God for Him to recreate in us His goodness.
We must pray that those who say they are the source of their own goodness be
humbled and turn to God who alone is 100% essentially and perfectly morally
good. Because we are not 100% essentially and perfectly morally good we
die and then face God for judgment. Jesus rose from the dead. Only by relying
on God IN THE MESSIAH JESUS for forgiveness of out sins can we begin to live
and live forever. As men are from their mother’s wombs, they are dead, and
dying they do die. We who believe God and turn to Him for life receive the free
gift of everlasting life.
This is the truth. Men can deny God in the Messiah Jesus.
God does not coerce belief in His Son. We are given freedom to choose
everlasting life or everlasting death. The good news is that God is very
persuasive, very patient, and very loving, He is not willing that any man or
woman wander off and die outside the gate of heaven. Jesus was punished and
took the capital punishment we all deserved. He died in your place, he forgave
all your sins. He rose from the dead demonstrating His power over death and
hell, and His desire is that simply trusting in His GOOD WILL He will also
raise you from the dead into His everlasting life. It is not complicated. Your
SELF will cannot accomplish everlasting life. But if you trust God’s GOOD WILL
and word of promise in The Messiah, you WILL live and live forever!
Will I?