Tuesday, October 27, 2020



Romans 5:5  and hope putteth not to shame; because the love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit which was given unto us.

An ancient memory and a very present dream

No harm was done ... and none would ever be

No war was fought ... and none could ever be

Good was known ... and nothing else would be...

... before the lie was told. 

Remember the Ones who spoke

Before nakedness was thought a shame …

When all was “very good.”

The first divide put us outside the gate.

And unable to return

We learned the things of evil

And mixed them with the good.

Corruption was touched.

No greater plague was ever known.

For death had come and conquered all save eight,

And eight were saved.

And upon the Ancient memory

His story being made

Has also made of some

His friends.

Dream now of crimeless streets,

Of a city free

Where all therein lack nothing.

Where their hearts adored desire Lives.

It is no Dream.

It is His Promise 

and now our Hope.

Soon, YES! Very Soon...

Romans 8:20  For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope

Friday, October 16, 2020

The Trial of TRUTH

The Trial of TRUTH

We’re putting Truth on trial today
To hear what he will say.
Can he hold his ground against
Our fine post-modern way?

Quite likely we will mock him,
Our view of Truth is dim;
An old idea, not relevant,
Outdated, tis but a whim.

He takes the stand, a sober man,
He seems quite confident.
Lets listen to him now. He speaks
The oath with raised right hand.

Then, “ I today will speak my heart,
The all not just a part.
For nothing but the Truth is there,
Where would you that I start?”

His countenance disturbs us,
He looks so stern and just,
Yet compassion seems to dwell in him,
I feel him I could trust!

“Away, away!”, we cried aloud.
“we’ll not this man allow.”
“ He clearly has no word we want.”
“Away, away- go now!”

Truth left the stand and court today,
He did not get to say
The all or even part of that
Which might have saved the day.

And we returned to warring o’er
Our wretched silly things;
And Truth above our heads did soar
On golden silver wings.