Saturday, June 20, 2020

"Rediscovered" and edited:

I must have courage to face this,
now the Day has dawned ,
and everything has changed.

The days gone by have left their mark
upon my outer man. Yet inside,
deep within is that which has been,
still it is, and still may be freed.

Freed to see reality, to know Truth,
to see clearly, to be without confusion,
to see with an uncompromised eye:
what is what and why.

The limits are taken away.
All my capacity is available
because life with courage permits
effort without vanity.

Let obstacles come,
for testing nurtures inner strength,
the strength of the inner man must grow.
Courage is for strength,
and strong I need to grow.

Let interest accrue to that Deposit in my soul
which is made for a present possession
and destined for full maturity, my
possession in the future.

I am a deposit in an account.
I am a portion of an inheritance.
I am a coin of another Realm.
I am the expectation of His Will.
I am beloved of God, His, and the joy of the Lord is my Strength.

by David Severy

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