Friday, June 12, 2020


Everything secular is man-centered. Pagan religion is man-centered. Christendom is infected with man centeredness. But Christians don't die of the infection! That is to say they don't die and go to hell. It's VERY IMPORTANT for us in these very tumultuous times to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and on things above. Hebrews 12, Colossians 3. Don't be man centered. John 15:5.

If we have accepted the Lord's invitation to be his disciples should we not also accept his pleading that we enter into the Harvest as his labors? Mark 9:38. In John 4:38 Jesus reveals to the disciples that it has been his plan AND that they actually ALREADY are laboring in the Harvest!

Jesus was not man centered. He was Father centered. He was a laborer in his Father's field. The book of Hebrews (3:1) shows has Jesus as the Apostle and High Priest (but he is not of the levitical priesthood; Jesus is of the priesthood of Melchizedek). We know that he is the prophet prophesied in the Torah. Deuteronomy 18:15 through 18. His people called him Rabbi or teacher. He declares himself to be the Good Shepherd, and we unwittingly call our Shepherd's "Pastor."  But try as I might I cannot find Jesus called an evangelist. The word evangelist only occurs 3 times in the Bible and all three are in the New Testament. The Greek word for evangelists is defined as a preacher of the Gospel.

The New Testament scriptures show and Jesus declares himself to be a PREACHER. Matthew 4:17, Mark 1:38. In Luke 4:43 Jesus says, "I must preach the kingdom ..." There the word is translated from a Greek word meaning evangelize. The three Greek words in view here are found in Strong's Concordance; they are H2097, H2098, and H2099. Respectively they mean:

*H2907- to announce good news (a verb)
*H2098- a good message, that is: the gospel (a noun)
*H2099- a preacher of the gospel (a noun)

Even though the English versions don't call Jesus and evangelist it is clear that he is the Evangelist of evangelists. He is the good news who brought the good news so that we could be good "newsed," that is to say so that we could be evangelized.

"Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" Isaiah 53:1

The word report is H8052 defined as something heard, an announcement,-- doctrine, news, report, rumor, tidings. 

The gospel. The good news. The good message. The good announcement. The good report. The good yes even the Glad Tidings! The good report from good reporters heard in the first from the Goodest reporter! 

I think we should all subscribe to HHHNN - THE HOLY HEAVENLY HERALD NEWS NETWORK❗❗❗
Better yet we should become good reporters for the HHHNN. ❤❗❤❗❤❗❤❗❤❗❤❗❤
It shouldn't hurt to be Heavenly minded. 1Corinthians 7:29-31

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