Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lamb'spoet... and pundit

Complete Poetry Index of ALL TITLES <---<<< click

For punditry see/click dated Blog Archive
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The punditry is my humble if it is humble opinion.
The poetry is for you and for God. A clickable list of books is found below, please scroll. 



Book I
Book II
Book III
Book IV
Book V
Book VI
Book VII
Book IX
Book X
Book XI
Book XII

⬈⬆⬉Click each book numbered above for that book's contents with it's poems following! 

 Other People's (very good) Poems 

⬆    CLICK           ⬆  ⬆  ⬆      ⬈⬆⬉   

*Complete Poetry Index of ALL TITLES*

St. Francis giving away his cloak.

I step down

from the throne my heart has claimed,
I smash down the idols I have raised,
I declare Your death, I immerse my soul
In all Your faith and the promise of Your Resurrection, Your Glory and Your Life.
You are meek and lowly in heart, I put You on,
O clothe me, Your servant, in Your righteousness,
Teach me Your Way, let me ever live for You.

 I [Paul, the Apostle] have showed you all things how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, 
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts 20:25

We live a very short time on the earth. Living more than 100 years is still quite rare. Rarer are those living 110 years, and almost unheard of are those living to 120. In comparison more than a few trees live much longer. 

The oldest tree in the world [and the 7 runner-ups]