Thursday, August 29, 2024

Everyday Prayers for 2024

Everyday Prayers for 2024

Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless. - Martin Luther King Jr.

We need to pray everyday

1. that God restrain the heartless on Earth and in the heavenlies.

2. that God help us recover law enforcement and the court at the federal, state and local levels.

3. That we all have God to purify our souls in this life so that the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ be saying in the church.

4. that God continue to prosper our nation spiritually in the numerous revivals/awakenings of recent times. 

5. that God answer these prayers in every nation. 

More than anything I believe we should simply pray that God save those who should be saved. It is his will, is it not? Even for all Israel!

Abortion and Donald Trump

 Abortion and Donald Trump

The pro-life community is in somewhat of an uproar over Donald Trump's recent statements concerning abortion. I think pro-lifers would do well to consider what damage Kamala Harris the would due to the progress accomplished by President Trump. Pro-lifers should not forget his nominations to the United States Supreme Court. Harris would certainly not make any federal nominations or appointments favorable to the pro-life movement.

The real wisdom of Trumps’s position on abortion and the federal government was best expressed by J.D.Vance. Vance told NBC, "Donald Trump's view is that we want the individual states and their individual cultures and their unique political sensibilities to make these decisions because we do not want a non-stop federal conflict over this issue."

That is truly a sensible policy. The laws for abortion are now decided by state governments. The federal government needs to address many other critical national problems, the border problem, crime, drugs and human trafficking in particular. Abortion is a now an issue for the states to address. And by the way, it is something for the church to address. Too many calling themselves christians are pro-choice. Church: clean up your own house.