Sunday, December 02, 2012

All to Thee We Owe and Pledge

All to Thee We Owe and Pledge

Your the bright and morning star
Who does lead us from afar
As the day of God draws nigh
Lord to You we lift our cry

Bring us home to life and love

Bring us to Thy Throne above
Be Thou ours and we Thine own
Then from Thee we’ll never roam
You illuminate the day
And You lead us on the Way
Not by power or by might
But in Your Spirit we’re made right

Sent to us from far above 
That we would learn to live and love
That our neighbors here in life 
Would also cease to strive
That they too would know Your grace
And one day see You face to Face

That now Love would rule their souls
For God is Love who makes us whole

Oh by means of Your own blood
We’ve a home in heaven to come
Where You dwell in Holy Light
While here below we war and fight
Yet not against the carnal foes
Which often living in great woe
Cowerer fearing and not free
Eyes not yet able to see

Help us come and humbly bow
To You who draw us near
That in the life were living now

We would from You receive Your cheer
Your cheer and courage we do need
In the Way in which You lead
Our enemies are not a few
And to You we would be true

More than conquerors you make
Of us who by Your grace forsake
Sin and sadness wrong and woe
As in praise and grace we grow
All to Thee we owe and pledge
All our heart and all our mind
All our soul and all our strength
Jesus we are Thine!


In a song, melody being yet perfected, the last stanza is a chorus sung at the >.

Ye have not because ye ask not. I have not written much in the last good few years. But recently I remember longing, almost needing to write again, and faintly remember praying.  God has at least looked on my hearts desire if not actually heard a prayer. Nonetheless I am reminded that we have little who ask little, even nothing who ask not. Sobering words to a people (person, moi) to whom such good and great promises are made:

John 15:7  If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

1 John 5:14  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: 15  And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving Tribute

Many gods had I, and many other loves,
Passions filled my daily life, but none were from above.
Then one blessed day, came on the wings of a dove,
This One who filled my heart, soul and mind with Awe and Wondrous Love.

Your mercy never ends,

Your favor precious, Lord,
Your pardon for my sin sick soul,
Flows freely from your Word.

Yeshua, sweet compassionate One,

You O God, my heart have won,
Thank You God for Your Son.

Never was there one like You, nor will ever be,

A God so faithful to His Word, One so rich and free,
One who careth on and on, a God of liberty,
Who daily loads up all I need, and gives abundantly,
Who never fails to fill my cup, the One who died for me,
And rose up triumphing by LOVE, over every enemy.

Much had filled my life, like stones thrown in a well,

Lies poured out upon my ear, which none should ever tell.
Strife and anxiousness, walked by me everyday,
But suddenly came One from above to show a better Way.

So on in Victory, through fire and toil and flood,

My soul clings close to Calvary’s cross, for there was shed the Blood,
The Blood of God so pure, unlike any other man’s…
This poured upon the sin stained world, from God! from God alone, who alone did ...>>> !!!

!!! >>>... forgive by this One Deed, all they that ever harmed

Life and limbs of mortal men, I being one of them.
I’m one who God forgave, my many evil deeds,
And ransomed me from the devil's grasp for all eternity.

O hallelu Yah, Thank You Yeshua!

For Your mercy and great grace yet so undeserved.
And Thank You Father above for the love and forgiveness which
Stills Flows deep and pure to we who tread this earth…

O Praise and Thank You, O glory to You,

O let Your Name be ever heard
from every tongue and every tribe,
and people and nation, 
Ever now and forever........

Saturday, August 04, 2012

living water

living water, living water
flows from God’s Son, drink and live everyone
living water, living water
flows to the thirsty land

there is no price, there is no fee
God pours it out for you and for free

living water, living water
flows from God’s throne, unto His own.
living water, living water
flows from God’s throne for the dry and thirsty

a very Holy Flood from our Father above.
all from His love to you

living water, living water
precious and pure, immerse and be sure
living water, living water
water without which we die.

living water, living water
flows from God’s Son, drink and live everyone
living water, living water
flows to the thirsty land

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

“… they are forgiven. “

It is said that children test the boundaries set for them by parents, teachers and elders, and that when parents fail to establish and enforce boundaries children crave them; they want to know when they do wrong. And they also want to and need to know when they do the right thing. I identify with this. I grew up in a home where the boundaries were nebulous and what boundaries there were I easily circumvented when I entered into my teens. I got in a LOT of trouble. This has had an effect on my life since I was born again in 1976.

When I belonged to a church which honored prophetic gifts and prophets from 1988 onward several prophets spoke the word and the heart of the Lord to me. I cannot remember one word which did not encourage me to a greater or lesser extent. Yet often I would ask God to give me a word to tell me what I was doing wrong! I wanted correction, I wanted boundaries. Even in this past week I thought to go to a pastor prophet I have known to ask for a word from the Lord: a word that would “really tell me like it is”, that would correct me or even rebuke me, even harshly.

Two days ago I was praying and thinking when the Lord spoke to me in the still small voice. I don’t share this lightly because it is not something that some people believe can happen today. But Jesus is not impotent today. He can still speak. The question is: “Will we believe He can speak to us and will we listen for His voice?”

What God said was this: “You have brought your sins before me, they are forgiven.” I doubt I will soon if ever forget hearing those words! To me their meaning is at once concise and comprehensive. It acknowledged my being a sinner, thus rebuking me albeit ever so gently. At the same time it gave me great courage and joy. I saw that God my Father truly sees only the blood of His Son covering all my sins. It is almost that after believing the Gospel of Christ God ignores the sins I have done and will yet do! I don’t want any to think that I take this as an excuse for sinning even one more time! It is not; there is never an excuse for sin.

Today I called that pastor prophet and shared this testimony with him. As we talked I was able also to see that when a believer sins after his/her salvation, that and every sin carries a new weight of shame previously unknown. For now he/she/I understand what sin is (evil), who it offends (God), and what (my/your) sin required (the bloody death of the Son of God!)! It is understandable that we might desperately want God to rebuke us and correct us severely. And I’m not so sure that He won’t do that in some cases. He did “upbraid” the disciples for “their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.” Mark 16:14 But God is LOVE!

He truly showed me that LOVE in those few words: “You have brought your sins before me, they are forgiven.” I know my own heart as you know yours, yet we can’t know each other’s. We don’t need to. The shame of my sin is enough to humble me, as your sins are enough to humble you. That God forgives such an evil man as me is truly beyond my human comprehension. But by the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, by His filling up of my understanding I am able to agree and receive the gift of Christ’s sacrifice and righteousness in exchange for ALL my shameful sins!

It is 35 years since I was born again FROM ABOVE. Many days in that time were lost to sinning. I have had two extended periods of backsliding, and many years of confused faith and living. But God IS FAITHFUL! He that began a good work in me is bringing it to completion! One scripture which seemed so foreign to me in 1976 is absolutely true of me today: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). ! An another I learned somewhat later is burning its way (in a good way!) into my soul: “For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day” (2 Timothy 1:12). ! Hallelu Yah!

Thank You Jesus. To God be the glory, great things and with me seemingly impossible things He has done.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

From World Missionary Press comes this precious message from Scripture on Israel: past, present and future!
Click >>>--->  Wings Over Zion

This is a MUST read for all Christians in my humble(?) opinion!