Friday, September 22, 2017

Life lived until...

Life lived until...

Making it up
As we walk along
The pain is less
Than what is real,
(And we all gonna die.)

Share my dream!
Or have your own.
The pain is less
While sleepwalking through.
(And we will all wake up dead… I think…)

Coexist. Let’s coexist
Until we no longer do.
The pain is less
With things unknown or ignored.
(But why stare at death?)

Just a little longer
While tomorrow never comes
And then the show is over
And then the pain is gone
(I think that’s right, don’t you?)

So wait for it,
And then let it pass by.
The pain is less
With no baggage
(And none of reality.)

Yet living has it’s consequences,
You have a rap sheet all your own :

  1. it
  2. is
  3. what
  4. it
  5. is                                                                                      

And do you know the half of it?

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Don't believe everything you think.

Peace is not contrived.

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