Friday, December 02, 2005

Book IX

Book IX
1. Now and THEN
2. Gently, Pray
3. after the afterfall He's afterall
4. Priority
5. Pilgrim's Prayer
8. wait...

Now and THEN

Pay attention to Jesus,
Do so more each day.
Think of the Gift God offered up
To make for you a Way.

To return in Life to the Father,
Almighty Ruler of all;
To escape eternally dying the death
That will not saints befall.

Jesus is He who does love you
Like no other man, woman or child.
Yet He must punish the ones who will not
Receive Him, the lamb so meek and so mild.

He stepped right out of Glory
And into this world for you,
Do well and read of HIStory
Do repent and do: evil eschew.

What greater goal can a man set before him
Than to please the one who fashioned his soul?
And joy in the God who made him a vessel
To hold the Spirit of Life.

DON’T, my friend, too easily cast
These few, but grave words to the wind,
Consider the end to which we all come,
And what will happen then.

O Gently, Pray

Nature’s law seems so ill thought of,
Earth and sky and sea so wrought
In beauty by the largest hands,
The hands of Him who’s called the Son of Man.

We dig, blast and defoliate,
And pour concrete in by the ton.
We build up to the sky and cloud
Glassy, stony, steely mountains.

We think we need them, tho for what
I really can’t determine, but
Surely know that more will come
And scrape the clouds before man’s done.

And men will never quit, you know
To try to make life "better," so
Their flesh will not be o’er exposed
To cold wind, rain and snow.

God help?!
that drought
Should find them out.........
of doors!

It’s plain to see that nature’s worth
Is lesser prized than in yesteryear.
Machines to work, as did men’s hands,
Do more to change the lands.

O pray that men might gently move
The things found in their way;
That carefully they might survey
And thoughtfully to improve.

after the afterfall He's afterall

To turn a phrase, to bend around,
or square a thought and build upon
the vapor of a tidy word,
and weave a gilded filigree
to please the ear of modern man,
I dare not give to such a plan.

The moderns take themselves for gods,
divine within their metaphysick,
cursed ills of strong desire
rule their flesh bound appetites.
No mystery to spot a Mod,
who sputters speech like untamed static,
ever immersed in sins dark mire,
not aware the Holy Fire
could lift him from his plight.
Plight of maddening variances,
thoughts he comes to seem as chance,
like how he thinks the worlds were made,
as accidents without a hand
or mind or thought for what now is,
no right, no rule, no far foresight,
only lonely “randomness”...

The sand upon a thousand shores
has more order than he affords.
The molecules of H2O
show more wisdom than he knows.
The sky above the earthen shore,
the hidden deep, the mountain ice,
and death’s sure curse for Adam’s meal,
the entropy of men and all in motion,
all will show the eye that sees:
natures law once wrought by God.
He has offset their primal course
to chasten us in life, that we might cease
from evil ways and from all earthly strife.

So much history, should it not reveal the mystery
to the one who thinks about life’s ironies?
How is it that man, so elevated above his fellow creatures,
lives at a level of dishonesty so far below their honest natures?
Dogs and cats are less corrupt than we.
It’s said we are post or post post modern now by some,
Can’t we see the sham? Its sum
is reaching heavens shore with lies
piled higher up the earth’s blue skies.
Have mercy on us God. Illuminate the Mod.


Bobby wanted for the grace
to paint himself a masterpiece.
Those who paint them might desire
the grace to sing or play the lyre,
and they who strum might want a drum,
to bang out praise all day.

Yet like Mary I would be,
and find the Master, and at His feet
I’d sit with Him, and there be free.

Grant O Lord, Thy Soveriegn Will,
be that I’d not feign but now be still,
to learn and to practice Thy Pure Love,
to hear Thy wisdom from above,
from Father and Christ His Son.

PILGRIMS PRAYER /March 1, 2005

O God, sustain me in repentance for Thy pleasure,
Create a heart in me that will not faint.
You alone are Good, and all Your Goodness so Gracious.
May my every deed become those of the saint.

There is no other Way on earth I wish to travel,
no other path leads where we want for me to go;
You are everything, all other ways are nothings
To ways not of You I say NO.

Oh lead me on, lead me Lord
To the New Jerusalem
Where the cloud of witnesses
And I will join Your praise

Oh do not spare thy rod, do not
O Lord, but exercise Your care
So very necessary
For the journey that I’m on.

I’ll willing endure all things ahead
On this road I take to Calvary;
There to die for You each day, childish things now put away
Faith to faith and all to glory, Lord let it be.
There is now the road to take from Calvary.
It leads me as for Peter.

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not. John 21:18


There’s a well of life above
the thirsty find replete.
They gather at this well of Love
there the Lord to meet.
Poured out, this well of Love,
to the thirsty soul of man,
was the water therein
for whosoever will drink.

He giveth o so freely
and tenderly His care.
With the sheep of His great passion
all good things He shares.

O the Lord: His name is Jesus :
Anointed Savior King,
if you put your hand in His right now
and come along and sing...

….you too, my friend, can know Him
in His Power of Love and His Grace,
and in that Day soon coming
you will see Him face to face.

If your sorry for your sins,
would no more a sinner be,
trust God and learn begin to obey Him,
He will set your spirit free.

O let’s worship our dear Father
in heaven far above,
He’s waiting for so many more
to come to the His Son of His love.

It’s the Love of God in Jesus Christ,
not “bread alone” we say;
won’t you turn to Him right now,
my friend
and surrender all and pray.


Shall I take some time to weep
for my days gone by?
It’s over, they are gone.
Full of self and sin’s deceit
they were, they’re over.

Present needs
are better for tears, as many
are not yet within the Gate,
the Straight gate,
their days of death not over yet.

I must go to tell them
of His Love -
It’s forever.
I shall weep and sow the precious seed,

He is all, and all in all in whom He dwells,
His life is forever.
His life’s blood, shed unto death, and yet
His rising: life!
His, the power of an endless life!
O wipe away tears for self, and pray
with tears for those
who dally near and far,
who observe with trepidation, and as foolishness
their need to change their ways.

With tears, pray for them
that mock the erring souls of those
who stumble in forgiven,
who though fearing still seek His face,
though cumbered with their habits foul.

And pray tears for those mocked,
(as if the mockers knew at all God’s plans for them)
mocked for their “foolishness”
before the world, as it waits
for the revealings of the Lord.
Pray that we who stumble toward perfection
not stumble so much and so often.

And pray tears
for those who in their shining successes
are cut and clubbed
with the zealous envies and weapons real;
bleeding real red blood at the hands of Satan’s blinded servants.

Above all pray.


What will your attitude be as
you wait to die...
please pardon me as I pry into
your soul...

we are all waiting, you know...

and do we want to know where it is we will then go?

I so often ponder the madness we call “life”...
so full of strife, and at our own hands
is the blame well laid...
do you admit? your role in life,

is one of waiting, at least in part...

and wondering perhaps where you will go?

Would a closer examination of our waiting
quiet us,
or is this great uncertainty
the very cause of our
peaceless times?

What can I, what can any do to ease your burden
as you wait...

As you wait to die, to go

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